May 5th, 2009

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10:47 pm - Equilibrium
Do I lie to myself when I say I'm happy or do I when I say I'm sad?
Some people say that creativity is easy and cheerful, some others are sure creativity requires a certain amount of deep inner suffering. I'm not sure, but I think it's both. Depends on the kind of creativity...the weak one requires no difficult feelings, one can be quite content and happy to write those. There are rarely good happy writers. The more or less depressed guys are the best. Women have to have suffered more than men to become good writers - therefore, there's not really a lot of them. Their works are filled with something more than just talent.
It's wrong to say that depressive writers write depressive works. They sometimes even produce a kind of an utopy. But who can know happiness better than a person who's known too much sadness? Thy become experts in both, when they are in balance.
Now, being in balance is what requires lots and lots of talent.

Ziedonis is a freak. And each one will understand this in one's own way.
Current Music: Dio - Strange Highways

(1 saka | komentÄ“t)


Date:May 5th, 2009 - 11:25 pm

there is no truth and there are no lies, you are what you are - just a man
Mental Asphyxia - Equilibrium

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