discurse [:)]

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Apr. 17., 2010 | 09:10 am

arrogance is nothing/something to be arrogant about
happiness is nothing/something to be happy about (discuss) courtesy brookings.

well, I live in a very simple world. zones of grey are not cultivated, treated rather as annoyance.

Thus, arrogance nothing to be arrogant about,
happiness something to be happy about. (potentially, very short discussion,
only mildly curious about competing views of the competent, they bore me to death to be honest with you)

On a second thought, arrogance - possibly, the most groundless mental phenomenon there is. (discuss)
and - the many facets of cretinisim as additional (tiresome) question.

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Comments {2}



from: [info]brookings
date: Apr. 17., 2010 - 11:36 am

Any interest in that happiness question is in the heart of the questioner. I was interested in it for the following prosaic reason: a few days ago someone referred to me for the first time in my life as a "smaidīgs cilvēks". I was happy, but the happiness needed an adjective before it (I was happy because a European institute had transferred some money, which means I can keep myself and those who rely on me a float for another year). If that happiness is reason to be happy, then I am not treating luck and misfortune as imposters, really.

But anyway, I am happy, very happy - so screw it. Here's to muddled thinking (mine)!

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from: [info]silvija
date: Apr. 17., 2010 - 01:52 pm

Happy: I know I would be.

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