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[Jan. 24th, 2021|11:02 pm]
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Date:January 25th, 2016 - 01:58 am
Force is being used against us. The ones who are attempting to create, maintain, and spread the paradigm of dominance and submission, hierarchy, and tyranny are absolutely not averse to using any means necessary to succeed. Non-violent resistance is certainly warranted where it is possible for it to succeed, but sometimes the only way to prevent tyranny is to force the tyrants to go away, or remove that tyrant from existence altogether. Sometimes, someone who isn't afraid to get bloody is necessary to defend against enemies who know full well how to use violence against good people.

Who would you rather have do that defense? Someone who was born for it and who views it as a natural exercising of their inborn skills, or someone who abhors that duty and would seek any way to avoid it? Warriors exist so that those who prefer non-violence don't have to make that choice - we will step forward and ensure that those who seek peace are free to live in peace.
[User Picture]
Date:January 26th, 2016 - 01:11 am
īsti neiebraucu, ko tieši tu domāji ar pēdējo teikumu, varbūt daļēji sapratu. nav runa par domu gaitas ietekmēšanu. es teorētiski zinu tās lietas, ko tu piemini. vai vismaz kaut ko līdzīgu. man vnk patīk runāt par tēmu. un tu esi sen neredzēts, sakarīgs cilvēks.
[User Picture]
Date:January 26th, 2016 - 01:14 am
Manā blogā pēdējā laikā ļoti reti komentē sakarīgi cilvēki. Agrāk bija savādāk (pirms dažiem gadiem). Tagad tikai heiteri pa lielam un reptiliāņi.