[Dec. 11th, 2032|12:35 pm] |
- I myself, as many people well know, had basically embroiled myself into the dirty version of myself, I had taken the small amount of decay I did have, and I just built it, I let it grow: I wanted to become fully decayed in mind, soul, body, everything, I wanted to be darkness. - You think you're going to Hell? - If I would have to answer that truthfully, yes. I have always believed that. My mind was on only one mode, and that was to kill. So, I went forth to attack her and she through a scolding hot cup of coffee on me, uh which only increased my instincts, if you will, at which point in time, like I said, between thirty and sixty seconds I took her life. I believe it was five blows I took, trying to plunge the crow-bar into her heart. |
[Dec. 11th, 2032|01:41 pm] |
Pentagon sources say the arrest of Chinese conglomerate Huawei’s Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou “is aimed to take down the Clintons and their treasonous ties to China back in the 1990s.” Chinese Freemasons previously admitted to this writer that they had invested heavily in getting Hillary Clinton elected as U.S. president because they had been promised a “United States of China,” including ASEAN, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan. U.S. military intelligence also has confirmed to us previously that George Bush Sr. provided China with the technology needed to accurately guide their nuclear missiles. The purpose of the Clinton/Bush transfer of military technology to China was to make China more equal militarily with the G7 so that their planned “Gog versus Magog” end-times war would be sufficiently destructive to result in their planned artificial end times. |
[Dec. 11th, 2032|03:42 pm] |
Smieklīgi, ka, neskatoties uz mediju atbalstu, cilvēki protestē pret Makronu un viņiem viss tik ļoti zb, ka viņi grib iznīcināt visu Makrona pārstāvēto Franciju, Makrona popularitātei noslīdot līdz 18%. Un, neskatoties uz mediju naidīgumu pret Trampu, viņa reitingi pacēlušies līdz 50% un neorganiskie, Sorosa sponsorētie, kreizī mediju provocētie protesti notiek arvien mazāk, jo Sorosam sāk aptrūkties naudas, lai tos finansētu un cilvēki sāk apzināties, ka laba ekonomika un saprātīga, miermīlīga ārpolitika ir labas lietas (lai kā arī galēji kreisie mediji un eksperti censtos iestāstīt, ka Ziemeļkorejas trakošanas beigšānās, ISIS likvidācija, jaunu karu neuzsākšana, godīga tirdzniecība ar Eiropu, Meksiku, Kanādu un Ķīnu ir pasaules gals). Marksistiem cilvēces uzplaukums ir pasaules gals, jo tad nevarēs ieviest totalitārismu, jeb, kā marksisti teiktu: "mūsu demokrātiju". Makrons ir izsmiekls, es viņu par tādu uzskatīju no paša sākuma. |
[Dec. 11th, 2032|04:38 pm] |
Iemesls, kāpēc mums dzīvē notiek visādas hujņas (un reizēm atkārtojas tas pats paterns) ir tā sauktie dvēseles līgumi. Cilvēks par tiem var pat nezināt. Ja viņš grib būt brīvs, viņam katru dienu ar noteiktību jāizrunā tādi teikumi kā: "Es nepieņemu savā dzīvē ciešanas. Es nepieņemu savā dzīvē neizdošanos utt. Es salaužu savus dvēseles līgumus, kas paredz visādu čerņu. Es esmu alainmentā ar Avotu un man viss it kā pa sviestu, viss sanāk utt." Brīvā griba joprojām ir Visuma likums. |