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Dec. 11th, 2032|01:41 pm

Pentagon sources say the arrest of Chinese conglomerate Huawei’s Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou “is aimed to take down the Clintons and their treasonous ties to China back in the 1990s.” Chinese Freemasons previously admitted to this writer that they had invested heavily in getting Hillary Clinton elected as U.S. president because they had been promised a “United States of China,” including ASEAN, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan.
U.S. military intelligence also has confirmed to us previously that George Bush Sr. provided China with the technology needed to accurately guide their nuclear missiles. The purpose of the Clinton/Bush transfer of military technology to China was to make China more equal militarily with the G7 so that their planned “Gog versus Magog” end-times war would be sufficiently destructive to result in their planned artificial end times.
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