sickboy - December 12th, 2032 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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December 12th, 2032

[Dec. 12th, 2032|02:43 am]
- How do you feel about that person you used to be?
- I feel terrible. But thanks to you, I-I'm doing much better now. And I'm confident that when I leave, I will be ready to take my place in society.
- And when do you think that will be?
- Right away.
- Why do you say that?
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[Dec. 12th, 2032|03:20 am]
Kanādas ministru prezidenta Džastina Trudo kustības man skaidri liecina, ka viņš ir ļoti sievišķīgs zēns - vai nu gejs vai transseksuāls.
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[Dec. 12th, 2032|10:57 am]
Ja Hilarija būtu uzvarējusi vēlēšanās, ASV notiktu līdzīgi protesti kā Francijā pret Makronu - īsti, organiski protesti, nevis daži, mediju sakūdīti antifa.
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[Dec. 12th, 2032|09:57 pm]
Forši, ka NL notiek biodejas, kas maksā tikpat vai pat lētāk kā Latvijā!
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