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[Jul. 1st, 2024|10:34 pm]
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Date:July 3rd, 2018 - 11:26 am
Nav tiesa. Ir daudz zinātnisku atklājumu, kas izdarīti ar psihoaktīvo vielu palīdzību.

Piemēram, PCR.

No vikipēdijas:

"Kary Banks Mullis (born December 28, 1944) is a Nobel Prize-winning American biochemist. In recognition of his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, he shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Michael Smith[3] and earned the Japan Prize in the same year."

"In a Q&A interview published in the September 1994 issue of California Monthly, Mullis said, "Back in the 1960s and early '70s I took plenty of LSD. A lot of people were doing that in Berkeley back then. And I found it to be a mind-opening experience. It was certainly much more important than any courses I ever took.""