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[User Picture]
Date:April 17th, 2016 - 04:11 pm
dr. zālītis teica, ka sievietem vizuālie relišeri pret vīriešiem neesot ļoti izteikti (vai pat teica, ka neesot vispār), cik viņam tur taisnība
[User Picture]
Date:April 19th, 2016 - 12:57 am
Myth #2: Women aren’t as visually stimulated or obsessed with looks as men are.

How many times do you hear this line?

Give me a break. More nonsense. Part of the argument for this myth is that the majority of porn addicts are men.

Porn addiction is a sickness that has little to do with visual stimulation and a lot to do with intimacy dysfunction. As an aside, a recent feature article in the San Jose Mercury News revealed a dirty, little secret: that porn is becoming increasingly popular amongst women of all socioeconomic stripes.

In the mating game, if she has the choice, a woman always will seek the best-looking guy. Isn’t this how many women choose presidential candidates?

Despite Bill Clinton’s record of abusing females, many women continue to give him a pass because of his looks, and they have said this to my face. Beware women who deny their preoccupations with looks.

I remember watching a Fox TV show called Mr. Personality, hosted by Monica Lewinsky. A beautiful, sophisticated, well-spoken girl named Haley had to choose one man from a group of 25 masked, unnamed suitors each week further winnowing the group by a few men, based on their incompatible personality traits. Haley never saw the face of each suitor until she selected him to leave the group. And, every time she unmasked a handsome man whom she otherwise found unacceptable, she was disappointed.

Sounds like the MO of a stereotypical guy, doesn’t it? On the final show, she narrowed the field to the last contestant—her new beau. Monica announced that he had done well financially in real estate, but Haley’s biggest question still remained unanswered: Is he gorgeous? Finally, he unmasked himself. Her relief was palpable.
[User Picture]
Date:April 19th, 2016 - 01:04 am
Tātad: sievietes tiek stimulētas vizuāli, viņas tikai to mīl noliegt (arī pašas sev). Vai arī viņas nejūtas ērti šajā "vīrišķajā" zonā. Ja sieviete pieņemtu savu iekšējo vīrieti, viņa neko kā sieviete nezaudētu, tikai iegūtu.
[User Picture]
Date:April 19th, 2016 - 12:51 pm
klintons vai tad kandidēja izģērbies un rādīja visiem pimpi? manliekas tur ir runa par skaistumu nevis vizuālajiem relišeriem
[User Picture]
Date:April 19th, 2016 - 01:42 pm
Manupraat pimpis ir vnk taas pashas lietas padziljinaata versija.