briinumcepuminjsh ([info]french_mime) wrote on October 17th, 2017 at 05:31 pm
Un tas, kas šķiet reāli traki, ir kad iesaka mainīt savu uzvedību un slāpēt savu personību, ar vīriešiem runāt tikai ekstremāli pieklājīgi un vienmēr uzmanīties, vai tikai kādam neizraisu vēlmi man seksuāli uzmākties. Like I'm sorry, we are allowed to be the way we are and enjoy our lives, boys will not be boys, if being a boy means enforcing your needs and wants upon another against their will, we can change this shit and it does not involve shrinking and always being afraid of living our lives, it involves talking about it and changing the way we think about consent. It is not inevitable because it is based on the kind of culture we live in and we can and are already changing that culture.
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