''You’re not good enough. You’re a bad friend. You’re not good at your job. You’re wasting time. You’re a waste of time. Your boyfriend doesn’t love you. You’re so needy. What are you doing with yourself? Why would you say that? What if they hate it? Why can’t you have your shit together? You’re going to get anxious and because you’re going to get anxious, you’re going to mess everything up. You’re a fraud. Just good at faking it. You’re letting everybody down. No one here likes you.''
šitas atbilst par 99& un laikam kādus pēdējos gadus četrus, es teiktu. ir periodi, kad ir labāk, tagad atkal ir sliktāk. bet tas es pieņemu ir, jo esmu jaunā vidē ar jauniem cilvēkiem utt.
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let it always be known that i was who i am
banderlogs (banderlogs) wrote on September 14th, 2016 at 09:54 pm