cukursēne ([info]saccharomyces) wrote on May 24th, 2016 at 03:03 pm
goal vs process
tiem, kam vēl nav izbesījušas skolas etīdes. atvainojos, bet nu, gada beigas, pakāpeniski atvadu procesi un tā.

- marika, why the long face? what's wrong?
- teacher, i am very worried.
- why? i think you'll be just fine.
- i don't think so.
- ok, let's model this. what's the worst that can happen?
- i won't have enough time in the exam.
- alright, so imagine you really don't have enough time. maybe you don't fill some gaps or don't get to check everything. so what about it?
- i will get a bad mark.
- ok, and what happens then?
- ...
- no, really, what happens?
- *smile* nothing. nothing happens.
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