banderlogs ([info]banderlogs) wrote on May 23rd, 2016 at 09:11 pm
es no visas sirds ceru, ka man nekad nesanāks satikt kādu no tiem vīriešiem.
i mean, tie komentāri ir tikpat briesmīgi kā pats video:
''If you have a hard time accepting that women are not human, an easier way to think about it is that women are not adults. Like children, they are driven primarily by instinct for survival, which is the base for their 'moral' code.If something or some action benefits them, it is the right thing or choice.
There is a good reason we don't give children rights, they do not have a fully developed sense of right and wrong. They are essentially innocent by reason of insanity in all of their wrong choices and are not held accountable. Women, for their own benefit and the benefit of society should have no rights because they are not capable of not abusing those rights.''
šis kungs vismaz atzīst, ka sievietes ir cilvēki, nevis parazīti, bet vienalga, džīzas.
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