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let it always be known that i was who i am
briinumcepuminjsh (french_mime) wrote on March 28th, 2016 at 02:37 am
Umm, bet WHO tak nesen paziņoja, ka izskatot gadiem krājušos pētījumus nākas atzīt, ka sarkanā gaļa un processed gaļa ir kancerogēni. Tāpat ir pavisam reālas studies, kurās consuming animal products saista ar obesity, diebetes, cancer, you name it. Man šķiet, ka nav tā, ka there's no real evidence of benefits of being vegan healthwise, in fact there are loads of studies and just because we are not experts in the field does not mean we should not try to access them and read them. And even though causation is difficult to establish these studies are our only way of approaching the truth. Vienīgais, tiešām slikums katrā sarunā meklēt tās references, most vegans have done their research and it shouldn't be minimised just because meat-eaters feel uncomfortable discussing it.