16 July 2007 @ 11:32 pm
labaaka dziesma best ever..  
Sleep tight tiger
Sleep tight tiger - sweet dreams till tomorrow
Sleep tight tiger

I love you love you first thing in the morning
The day time the night time when the angels are calling
They whisper in the top of my tongue
a tiny little worlds that tickles your ear drum

Sleep tight tiger
Sleep tight tiger - sweet dreams till tomorrow
Sleep tight tiger

Sleep tight tiger sweet dreams till tomorrow
I'll be teardrop in your pillow the beautiful sorrow
I love you like I do in the noon
I am the shadow on your skin and I'll be gone very soon

whell novelu visiem arlabuankti un saldus sapņus (ceru, ka jūs sapņosiet)
Jūtos: sleepy
ausīs dun: Husky Rescue- Sleep tight tiger
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[info]redz on July 17th, 2007 - 08:56 pm
jā, bet.. es izdzēsu =(
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rozhinka[info]rozhinka on July 17th, 2007 - 11:45 pm
tu izdzēsi?
kā tu uzdrošinājiess! :P
nekad, nekad to Tev nepiedošu..
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