Janvāris 3., 2008

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00:16 - whales don`t sing because they have an answer, they sing because they have a song

ashes and snow

shii filma mani shokee ar savu aarpraatiigo skaistumu. gruuti to izstaastiit, taa ir magjija.

mu zons (Lisa Gerrard & Patrick Cassidy - Ashes and Snow)

(6 baksta | FSHK)


[User Picture]
Date:3. Janvāris 2008 - 01:05
vai tu zini cik ziloņiem patiesībā grūti tupēat, vai apsēsties?
[User Picture]
Date:3. Janvāris 2008 - 01:12
[User Picture]
Date:3. Janvāris 2008 - 01:14
riktīgi, zini ir tās visas smukiņās kartiņas nu gluži kā ši, kas tev te un ka man stastija viņus sit un kliedz, lai tikai notuptos, vai apsēstos
[User Picture]
Date:3. Janvāris 2008 - 01:49
An elephant's legs are great straight pillars, as they must be to support its bulk. The elephant needs less muscular power to stand because of its straight legs and large pad-like feet. For this reason an elephant can stand for very long periods of time without tiring. In fact, African elephants rarely lie down unless they are sick or wounded. Indian elephants, in contrast, lie down frequently. ceru, ka tas ir dikti slinks indijas zilonis.
[User Picture]
Date:3. Janvāris 2008 - 01:53
Date:15. Janvāris 2008 - 02:51
es to filmu vkar redzēju bez skaņas ar self-made soundtracku pāri, ik pa mirklim pazūdot citos cilvēkos, ik pa mirklim atkal pievēršoties ekrānam. neuztvēru gan jau ka pilnīgi neko, bet tur bijs simts mirklīgu skaistumu. ar to pietiek, lai teiktu, ka fair enough.
K - whales don`t sing because they have an answer, they sing because they have a song

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