
December 24th, 2023

09:55 am

Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus: a study of humans suffering from Long Covid analyzed their cellular DNA. The authors unexpectedly found genes uniquely specific to the Pfizer COVID vaccine in human blood cells. This finding proves that mRNA COVID vaccines permanently integrate into the DNA of some COVID-vaccinated people.

Jā bet:

However, we do not know how many cells are affected in persons experiencing reverse transcription and integration of Pfizer vaccine code into their DNA.

We also do not know if reproductive cells (eggs and sperm) are affected. Are there any newborns whose germ-line genes carry the Pfizer vaccine code?

Further, it appears that not every vaccinated person was affected by this reverse integration, and therefore, vaccinated individuals have hope that they were not the ones whose genomes were altered. (visdrošākais un visefektīvākais "jā bet")

Additionally, the journal where this study was published is not the most prestigious. (Prestigious journals do not like to publish scientific findings critical of COVID vaccines.)

“Covid vaccine changes our genome” was considered an antiscience antivax trope and was constantly ridiculed by Pfizer-sponsored press.

#konspi-hujonspi #seši-mēneši #reklāmas-budžets #cerība-hujerība

11:16 am

> Three studies which compared millions of Covid-19 vaccinated people with unvaccinated people have concluded that the unvaccinated are less likely to suffer from many diseases including inflammatory musculoskeletal disorders, gynaecological disorders, and blood disorders.

Three separate South Korean universities combed millions of records from the country’s National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) database, a compulsory health insurance scheme covering the whole population (52million) which is used to produce various health statistics. The results are startling and shocking. They tally with what many of the vaccine injured are reporting. Despite mounting evidence, authorities are still in denial and intent on gaslighting them.

#ai-izbeidz-šito #pētnieki-ir-lohi #muskoskeletāls-hujakš #52miljoni-ir-anekdote

p.s. Jā bet vakcīnu piš tikai slimiķi. #true-story

11:42 am

> Additionally, Lehrer et al. discovered a 117-base pair sequence from the SARS-CoV-2 orf1b gene within the NTNG1 gene on human chromosome 1, raising intriguing questions about the relationship between SARS-CoV-2 genetic material and schizophrenia-related genes.

#psihene #alti #konsultējies-ar-ciema-dakteri #gudri-dirst-nav-balstzRNS-iemaukt

12:23 pm

Kāpēc mēs skrienam maratonus un braucam ar velosipēdiem:

12:32 pm

šitais neskaitās, get būsted

02:34 pm

Pareizais veterinārs:

Nepareizais veterinārs:

#jā-bet #politiķi-solīja #lielais-vaks-filtrs #būsteris-gonna-give-it-to-ya

06:12 pm

> GVB thinks the emergence and rapid dominant propagation of the JN.1 variant is a strong signal that the above-described two-step process of loss of protection against virulence is now underway and accelerating. The JN.1 variant itself is not more intrinsically virulent than its recent predecessors, but step two is highly likely to soon follow. GVB thinks a catastrophic surge of severe disease and death among highly vaccinated individuals (due to loss of the virulence-inhibiting effect of PNNAbs) is imminent. He suspects that this surge will increasingly become apparent in the days and weeks ahead (evidenced by a steady increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths) and will reach a devastating peak within several weeks.

#doomposting #krismas #jan-feb-timeframe #nothingburger

07:10 pm

> In the case of highly vaccinated individuals, especially if they did not experience productive natural infection prior to vaccination, we should be prepared for the possibility that the illness will unfold as follows:

Because their immune system will have very little capacity (at either the cell-based innate immunity level or the adaptive immunity level) to control the virus, they will probably quickly become overwhelmingly infected, in the upper respiratory tract (URT), lower respiratory tract (LRT), and possibly other internal organs. They might have very high viral loads in all of these locations. Unfortunately, they will not be able to rely on usual immune mechanisms to control the virus—e.g., NK cells (natural killer cells, which are a key component of the cell-based innate immune system) or on effective utilization of their adaptive immune system. The acute viral phase of their illness may therefore quickly become extraordinarily severe (within 1-3 days) and may last more than the usual 7-10 days.

Bear in mind that it is quite possible that the cytokine storm triggered by the highly virulent variant in high risk highly vaccinated individuals (if they have time, opportunity, and the wherewithal to mount such a storm) will be more massive and explosive than has ever been seen in many adult ICUs.

Management of most healthy unvaccinated patients will likely be much less difficult. They will be better able to handle the highly virulent variant and will be less likely to develop cytokine storm. Although the “highly virulent variant” will, indeed, be highly virulent in high risk heavily vaccinated individuals (because the immune status of heavily vaccinated individuals has been altered by the mass vaccination campaign and they have been depending on virulence-inhibiting PNNAbs, which the highly virulent variant is able to overcome), the “highly virulent variant” will not be as virulent in healthy unvaccinated individuals (because their immune systems will be intact and able to respond in a normal way, and they have not been depending on virulence-inhibiting PNNAbs). As explained earlier, the immune status of heavily vaccinated individuals has become abnormal and is now quite different from the normal immune status of healthy unvaccinated individuals.

#worst-case #aizturētā-virulance #paga-paga #jn1-vēsts
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