01:40 am
01:48 am
01:50 am
11. No, I'm not playing your stupid fucking game you communist shitfuck.
12. I will not affirm you and contribute to your mental degradation
13. Please do not pass me a Bud Light
14. You and nobody else alive but my parents (remember those?) have no right to instruct me on how to talk. Faggot.
15. You even look at my kids sideways, and you get a date with the wood chipper.
16. I am not mentally ill and I will not participate in your delusions. To the contrary, I reflect reality back to you and wish you would get help.
17. You assume I give a fuck
18. Take your two spirits and shove them up your ass.
19. Boost harder and then boost again
20. You'll never be a woman.
#humors #komēdija #melni #tava-liste-ir-akceptējama
02:26 am
es esmu +
#lgbi2stq+ #deal-with-it
09:03 am
https://twitter.com/leslibless/status/1662928042736402432I had to look away. I couldn't stand to see the horror and carnage of the war-torn Kyiv. I'm writing a big fat check right now and putting a Ukraine flag in my profile. Oh, the humanity...
Kā jums šķiet, cik mugursomas, ķiveres un Padžero 4x4 ir sapakojis un nosūtījis kaujas vecuma čalis zilajās kurpēs vai viņa draugs, kurš ēd čipsus or whatever? Droši vien tikpat daudz kā visi tie, kuri sēž kafenē par 100 hujiljardiem.
Starp citu, uz šīs nots, tiešām nezinu, bet vai US ir mūsu valstij atsūtījuši naudiņu, lai cilvēkiem būtu lielāka rocība nosūtīt mugursomas un 4x4? Jo reāli, man varbūt arī nebūtu žēl ieiet ssā pabrovzēt 4x4, bet jebal, ja vismaz būtu kāds US stimpaks no valdības puses. Ķipa, kara atbalstam valdība izmaksā katram iedzīvotājam 2000 eiro, ko iztērēt paciņām un vēstulēm. Kāpēc ne? Tas būtu cik, 4 miljardi? Bļe nesakiet, ka US nevar atļauties pastimulēt tādu caurumu budžetā.
Citādi sanāk tāda aina - US iztērē 100 miljardus or whatever, mēs vēl piemetam ķiveres uz sava rēķina un 25-gadīgs vīrietis kafejnīcā nopērk medus kūku. Kaut kā tā.
#atbalsts #cīņa #4x4 #čipsi
10:52 am
Jānim bija uz ārpusi, Esterei bija uz iekšpusi. Viss bija nevainojami tikai uz ārpusi.
#bodily #to-visi-zin #fallisks #tu-mans-trauciņš-es-tavs-vāciņš
11:02 am
Flamingo ir iesalušas kājas ledū, jo tak viņi bļe nerubī pamata fiziku. Like cik debīlam jābūt flamingo.
02:49 pm
Reāli, cik debīlam jābūt, lai būtu flamingo?
05:50 pm
Kas man jādara, lai 🍯🅱️ viltos arī + kopienā? Vai es par maz daru?
#plus-represent #proud-to-plus #plus-size #🅱️++
05:57 pm
BREAKING: US to supply Ukraine with next-gen warheads each containing 55 gallons of room-temp Pfizer bivalent booster juice.
#most-effective #get-boosted #gg #hiroblya-i-nagacyka
06:12 pm
spit on my snek
06:40 pm
❝The NEJM shows that those who are fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19 recover significantly more slowly from the illness and remain contagious for longer periods of time after SARS-CoV-2 infection.❞
06:43 pm
08:02 pm
- vai tu mani mīli, tēt?
- ej paprasi mammai
10:14 pm
10:33 pm
Joints, skin, organs and especially cognitive deficits to be compared to those of severe brain trauma. Sensitivity, cognition, thermoregulation, balance, sight, appetite, thirst, impulses, desires, organic functionalities, emotions, perceptions, pain…in a word…LIFE! My situation is getting worse with more and more frightening symptoms that I don’t know how I can stand yet.
he took his own life
Ends here, ends today… Fate wanted my life to be totally stripped of its essence. One in a billion cases, maybe not even… it’s my turn. I’d rather walk away and not burden anyone but especially not burden myself for the rest of my days. Wishing you the most precious gift one can receive in life: HEALTH.
are you really so presumptuous as to seriously think that a person who has dedicated all of himself to sports, physical activity, and the well-being of himself and others … can stop everything from one day to the next and spend thousands of euros on visits of all kinds because he is dreaming of being unwell? I was damaged by a reaction that together with the effects of COVID has created very serious neurological and physiological damage that is literally PREVENTING me from living a normal and respectful life. From the outside you can’t and can never understand. #jā-bet-muh-safe-and-effective
with the little strength and lucidity that I have left … I am desperately trying to find the life that has been taken from me and I will do it as long as my heart beats. Unfortunately, not everything is up to us. Sometimes you have to deal with adverse and alas, totally unexpected situations. I can guarantee you not knowing what’s really going on and having to deal with a health care system to say the least certainly doesn’t help reassure people.
Claudio Rais, a personal trainer, swimming champion, and a man full of dreams, died at the age of 37. Mr. Rais reportedly took his own life by jumping off the Rosello Bridge. Rais was struggling with his health after he suffered an adverse reaction following his third dose of the COVID vaccine on February 10, 2022, a Moderna dose after the first two Pfizers.
#tOtTaLlY-uNeXpEcTeD #jā-bet #effects-of-covid_19 #mildly-vaccinated
11:10 pm
1. iemauc pāris maziņās
2. iemet resort filtrā, jo zajebal ar savu alarmisko vaxx konspišitu
3. BREAKING: Cleveland clinic study which found that "The higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19" has been peer review published. Cleveland clinic is No. 2 Hospital in World.
4. #get-boosted
11:18 pm
For the rest of their lives, any indoor enclosed event in which most people are jabbed occur, it will become a super spreader event, just like the CDC convention last week.
wait what?
Try Not to Laugh: A Covid Outbreak Happened at a CDC Conference With 99.4% of Attendees “Vaccinated”
#ahahahaha #why-not #wait-for-it #why-not-get-būsted-ahahahaha
11:22 pm
You may get covid, but it stops hospitalization and death, till u die suddenly.
we've known this for 2+ years, these faggots finally doing a modicum of science
Yes we have, but it feels nice to be proven right by the very thing that was abused to justify the mandates. All the "FoLlOw tHe ScIeNcE!11!"
kovidiots don't have a leg to stand on, now.
Why are they still calling it
covid_19 when cold viruses mutate several times a year?
Wow, thanks so much for letting us know that this has now been peer-reviewed. This is one of the papers of the century, for sure.
https://academic.oup.com/ofid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/ofid/ofad209/7131292Results: Risk of COVID-19 also increased with time since most recent prior COVID-19 episode and with the number of vaccine doses previously received.