silence is sexy -

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Augusts 4., 2005

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[User Picture]
Date:4. Augusts 2005 - 21:04

šovakar skanēs šis

And then so clear to wonder
To wake with open eyes
As the snow across the tundra
And the rain across the skies
And the rain across the skies

So much again and weightless
In the motherworld of space
We fail to form to come to
And the razor mountains fade
And the day is cursed in shame

In these the world we open
So much to lose to save
To light the highest beacons
And the rose of love will bleed
And the rose of love will bleed

In these the world we open
So much to lose and save
To light the brightest beacon
And the rose of love will bleed
And the razor mountains fade
And the day is cursed in shame
[User Picture]
Date:4. Augusts 2005 - 21:09

Re: šovakar skanēs šis


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