rīta tests

laiku pa laikam tak vajag iziet kādu testu, vai ne? es shodien izgāju vienu "Drug personality" test. laikam jau atbilstošs rezultāts sanāca.

Take the quiz: "Your Drug Personality..."

Weed ;)
Ahh your a stoner ((maybe we should talk))... you are truly a unique person. You are prolly a very smart person, but in your own way. You are close with your friends... sometimes ignorant people will get in the way and think that your a big looser, but thats not how you are, you just like to look at the world from a different perspective, and you like to giggle alot - but who the fuck doesnt??Maybe you have some personal issues going on, but thats part of life - shit will work out. If not, then there is always the option of staring a marijuana farm!!!!


mhm, atbilstoši :))
Take the quiz: "Your Drug Personality..."

Heroin - interesting...
Hmm, this is a very interesting thing. You must be a very strong person. However, your result turned out to be a very addicting drug, in which you can overdose on very easily. This says alot about your personality. To start you must be a very crazy person to be around. What i think is, there are 2 types of people that could get this result: one, a drug addict/junkie. two a person with the strongest personality, meaning you are outgoing, crazy maybe have an eating problem..you are most likely confused about yourself and life, but thats okay. You proly dont really care about your appearance very much, but you will someday..so dont panick homie!

haha.. pēdējā laikā man testos ir dīvaini rezultāti :D
ha, tagad būs iemesls nomēģināt... ;P

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