izvēles paralīze.

es vienmēr esmu apgalvojis, ka domāšana nāk cilvēkiem tikai par ļaunu.

«With so many options confronting us about almost every decision, there is a greater chance that we will regret the decision we do make.
The myriad choices raise our expectations and create the anticipation of perfection.
Regret after making the wrong decision or what is perceived as the wrong decision leads to self-blame, depression and, in extreme cases, suicide [..].
We are bad at realising the downside of choice.
"Some choice is better than none, but more choices don't make things better"[..].»

BBC News Online, Thu, 14 July, 2005, "Time to switch off and slow down"


aha, aha, to es vakar ar izlasīju.
bet ne-ē, kad izvēļu ir par daudz, es vienkārši zīlēju/metu santīmu/tml, un līdz pašnāvībai nenonāk :)
he, a es daru tāpat - ar tām monētām u.tml. :)

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