criminally volga
skaitiet zvaigznītes
31.-Mar-2011 12:00 pm
My favorite simultaneous action is talking while eating. I think it's a sign of class. The rich have many advantages over the poor, but the most important one, as far as I'm concerned, is knowing how to talk and eat at the same time. I think they learn it in finishing school. It's very important if you go out to dinner a lot. At dinner you're expected to eat—because if you don't it's an insult to the hostess—and you're expected to talk—because if you don't it's an insult to the other guests. The rich somehow manage to work it out but I just can't do it. They are never caught with an open mouth full of food but that's what happens to me. It's always my turn to talk just when I've filled my mouth with mashed potatoes. The rich, on the other hand, seem to take turns automatically; one talks while the other chews; then one chews while the other talks. If for some reason the conversation demands an immediate comment in the middle of chewing, the rich know how to quickly hide the half-chewed food somewhere—under the tongue? behind the teeth? halfway down the throat?— while they make their point. When I ask my rich friends how they do it, they say, "Do what?" That's how much they take it for granted. I practice at home in front of the mirror and over the phone. In the meantime, until I've perfected the ability to talk and eat simultaneously, I stick to my basic rule for dinner party behavior: don't talk and don't eat.
(Andy Warhol, Philosophy)
31.-Mar-2011 12:05 pm
izlasīju šo un beidzot atradu atbildi, kāpēc mani tā besī ugunsgrēkā vienlaikus rijošie un runājošie varoņi.
31.-Mar-2011 12:08 pm
un arī to kāpēc mani iedzen absolūtā sajūsmā tas kā ēd un runā vienlaikus ļitvinova nastroiščikā vai džekī kjūtass iekš women in revolt ar savām vistu kājiņām vai ko tur.
31.-Mar-2011 12:13 pm
bet tāpēc jau saka - ēdienreizes ieturēšana ir lieliska atruna, lai socializētos.

man gan tas vienmēr beidzas ar to, ka esmu aizrāvusies ar runāšanu, un šķīvis vēl pa pusei pilns, kamēr citiem jau tukšs.
31.-Mar-2011 12:22 pm
nē, nu var jau runāt arī ēdot, tikai kurš to prot izdarīt tā, lai tas būtu reāli baudāms ekšens. cik pie mums nav redzēti publiski ēdošie un reizē runājošie aktieri par piemēru, tas vienmēr ir bijis absolūti nebaudāmi. bet tas varētu būt pilnīgi pretēji. es saku, no tās epizodes nastroiščikā, kur ļina ēd brokastis, sūkā pirkstus un sarunājas ar to savu žīdeli, es gūstu reālu estētisku baudījumu. un tad es jautāju - ko tiem mūsu aktieriem tajās aktierskolās vispār māca?
31.-Mar-2011 12:32 pm
ļoti labs jautājums. varbūt māca tēlot. un tas jau nu vairs neiet krastā.
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