fantastikal - Passersby
Ceturtdiena, 3. Jūlijs 2008 22:28

At one point, you suddenly wake up from the elusive dream that was casually sliding past your eyes, and you wonder, you ponder, you try your best to understand why things are suddenly so different from before. Why isn't the world round anymore? I gaze outside of my window and see it square. Or oblong. 0r star-shaped. The funny thing is that I swear I had never noticed it changing. And I can't help but ask myself - When did this happen? Has it always been this way? And oh.. damn.. What am I supposed to do, knowing the change? I can't say I like the things I come up with, they make nothing better. They confuse me. I can't understand my own intentions. My mind and I - we have had our troubles in the past, present and future. I can't say.. I can't say.. I can't say a lot of things. Then again, I'm terrible at keeping things to myself. So wake up and smell the world. Fuck the changes, there will always be more where they're coming from. Ugh. For better or for worse?

I had my share of changes for the day.. or the whole week perhaps. Just as I was getting ready to accept myself, too, it happened. The world crashed, the planets collided! You turn up. You've always been so perfect, so composed, yet willing. You have everything.. everything anyone could dream of. Everything I could be dreaming of. I thought I had stopped wishing I were you. I though I didn't CARE anymore. I hate you. I love you. I wish you had never existed.

Get out of my head. Please. I already have the self-esteem of a caterpillar.

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