
Jo slimaak...

December 27th, 2009

(no subject) @ 12:45 am



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Date: December 27th, 2008 - 02:29 am
Runājot par Forget, skat zemāk. Tev jāsaprot, kāpēc tu raksti, ja tu raksti citiem, tad te jāuzdod cits jautājums, bet ja tu raksti sev un domā vai tam ir jēgā. Tad teikšu, ka ir.

Sometimes the alacrity with which we forget is demoralizing. A comic (whose name I cannot recall!) suggests that what the typical college student remembers from a year of course work in American history is, "North wore blue; South wore grey." That is an exaggeration, of course, but it is an exaggeration that reveals a basic truth. We do forget a great deal of what we learn. So why bother learning? In particular, why spend years in school learning if much of that learning is bound to slip away from us?

Perhaps the answer is to be found in the realization that

to learn is to change.

We are, in a very real sense, different people each time we learn something. The white, middle-class student who reads The Autobiography of Malcolm X may recall little about the book, or about Malcolm X, years later. But despite all the student has forgotten, she may behave differently toward African Americans. And if you one day forget most of what you know about learning, you may still view some behavior somewhat differently from the way you would have had you not taken the course.

Learning means a change in behavior due to experience;

it does not necessarily mean that we recall the experience that produces the change.

We are bound to forget, but even the experiences we have forgotten leave their mark on us.

-- my learning & conditioning (psych) textbook
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Date: December 27th, 2008 - 02:35 am
Beidzot patīkami runāt ar kādu, kuram ir materiāls. Tikai, lūdzu, nākošreiz avotu norādi.

Es varu dot dažus faktus sakarā ar materiālo bāzi: Man ir bijuši vairāki smadzeņu satricinājumi un man ir atņemta dotība atcerēties notikumus. Es tos tikai izjūtu. Es izjūtu notikumus un manī saglabājas to notikumu negatīvā/pozitīvā/citādi ietekmējošā informācija. Mani interesē tik tas, vai man to turpināt dot, vai arī tā nav pierakstīšanas svarīga.
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Date: December 27th, 2008 - 02:38 am
Avots ir Jāņa Kauliņa Blogs - Svētdienas/Pirmdienas Sleja. http://kaulins2.blogspot.com/2008/09/learning-and-forgetting.html raksts diemžēl vairs nav pieejams, jo tika izzdēsts - nācās izvilkt no rss lasītāja.
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Date: December 27th, 2008 - 02:42 am
Esmu sīkumains Platsmaidis - man vajag atbildi uz jautājumu, kuru esmu uzdevis pašā sākumā.
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Date: December 27th, 2008 - 02:40 am
Tieši dēļ tā zuduma, vajadzētu arī turpināt.


Jo slimaak...