Dream on |
[2017-01-17|19:39] |
Jā, izlēmu, jāsagaida Kawai VPC-2, jo atsevišķa MIDI klaviatūra + kompis ir ne tikai pa datoristu modei, bet arī perspektīvāk, kā nekā traktōru attīstība lido zelta spārniem - uzinstalēt kompī 50 GB semplu paku vai jaunu modelēšanas programmu? Kā divus pirkstus apčurāt. Uzinstalēt dzelziskajā digiklavierē kaut ko jaunu? Nesanāks.
Ja kļūšu par megapianistu, tad varēšu sagādāt flīģeli, hehe.
P.S. Tā kā nav zināms, cik ilgi būs jāgaida VPC-2, tad klavierskolotāju izvēlēšos pēc tam, jo viņi, kā zināms, arī noveco. |
Kur mana finanšu piramīda |
[2017-01-17|11:47] |
Šādi arī gribu, tikai tiem Yamaha AvantGrand, kā saprotu, īstais flīģeļa taustiņmehānisms ir ideāls (nekas labāks vienkārši nevar būt), bet pārējās digitālās lietas kopš 2009. gada nedaudz novecojušas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHSXikduHrw Iz Jūtūbes komentāriem: A question though which I suspect you might an opinion on... I've recently bought the N2, and whilst I'm pretty happy with everything (except the sustain pedal increase in volume!) is the inability to play a repeated note legato without using the pedal. There's a lot of Chopin stuff that requires repeated chords with no pedal marked. Do you also find it virtually impossible to do this on the N1?
Concerning the problems with playing legato, I know what you mean. I think this comes from the little lacking sonority compared to great grand pianos. Although the Avantgrand is a wonderful instrument to play and the most realistic digital I have ever played, it doesn't have this long lasting sonority of a good grand piano (even when playing without pedal) which makes it so much easier to produce smooth legatos. But on the other hand, playing on a N1 or even N2 helps building a good technique because you really have to be careful with legato playing. If you switch to a grand piano, you will find it much easier to play legatos. |
Mazs ierakstiņš |
[2017-01-17|11:44] |
Kobo Aura One - 7,8 collas, 300 dpi, oranža gaismiņa vakariem un vēl piedevām ūdensdrošs, 230€? Ai laik! |