PHz superblociņš - 2007. gada 30. Snovembris [bloks|kalendārs|spamparāde|autors]

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2007. gada 30. Snovembris

PORK [2007-11-30|18:28]
Pork, it's the meat of kings
It's made from pig
Try it with onion rings
Pork sure goes with everything
Cause it's made from swine
And swine sure tastes fine

Just bring some to the picnic, baby
You know you wanna stuff it in my hamper
But please put it in some Tupperware
Cause I don't wanna be a porky chancer

Let's talk about pork
Converse about meat
Veggies need wedgies
Cause meat can't be beat

Ham and bacon
You should taste 'em
I know it's surprising
But it's so appetising

Dziesmai šodien liela diena [2007-11-30|12:08]
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[Oma: | ecstatic]


[ tu aplūko | 2007. gada 30. Snovembris ]
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