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as i dream about movies they won't make of me when i'm dead - arizona dream IV

Nov. 21st, 2007 02:06 am arizona dream IV

vēl joprojām līst. sen nav redzēts nekas skaistāks, bail sagaidīt beigu titrus.

i'm not going to die. i'm going to live forever until one day i wake up.

but what's the point of breathing if somebody already tells you the difference between an apple and a bicycle? if I bite a bicycle and ride an apple, then i'll know the difference.

after the storm, i couldn't say life was beautiful. but all i kept hoping for was the eskimo boy of my dream to run out of one of these doors and hug me. and even though i no longer felt like a fish and realized i knew nothing, i was happy to be alive.


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