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as i dream about movies they won't make of me when i'm dead -

Feb. 18th, 2014 01:10 am 7 comments - Leave a commentPrevious Entry Add to Memories Tell A Friend Next Entry


Date:February 18th, 2014 - 10:38 am
Pārdod narkotikas.
If you have nice body sell your body.
7reiz liec uz sarkano.
Ieguldi kādas 7000-10000 stundas(apm 4 gadi pa 6-8h dienā)talanta/skilla trenniņā.
Date:February 18th, 2014 - 11:04 am
man liekas, tu mērķēji uz citu ierakstu. bet man vienmēr paticis tas par tām stundām.