30 November 2015 @ 05:58 pm
Rorty, following Nietzsche, claims that to accept another's version of oneself and one's life is to fail as a human being (1989: 28).

(Vieda Skultans "Arguing With The KGB Archive: Archival And Narrative Memory Of Post-Soviet Latvia")
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pelnufeja[info]pelnufeja on November 30th, 2015 - 08:06 pm
Man arī pret to failed ir milzu pretestība, bet es to šajā gadījumā drīzāk saprotu, nevis kā "izgāšanos" vai "nepilnību", bet gan kā padošanos un atteikšanos no "sevis".

Un šis citāts arī ir stipri izrauts no konteksta.
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