19 October 2014 @ 04:28 pm
Suppose I commit a crime, but then, perhaps of the untoward rush of blood or adrenalin, retain no memory of the time in question. Then it seems to follow from Locke's theory that I am not the person who committed the crime. I am the same human being, but not the same person. It seems that the one human being is inhabited by multiple successive personalities, as memories come and go.

(Simon Blackburn "Think: A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy")
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pelnufeja[info]pelnufeja on October 19th, 2014 - 07:11 pm
jā, man šitā grāmata, kas mums vislaik jālasa, vispār stipri nepatīk un liekas garlaicīga, bet šis man kopā ar lekcijās runāto gandrīz pat liek mainīt savu nostāju par to, kas ir personība un cik tā ir nemainīga.
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