Ceturtdiena, 12. Maijs 2005, 16:03

"Elle tie ir citi!!!"


Ceturtdiena, 12. Maijs 2005, 16:15

nevis K.K. bet Ž.P.S.

Ceturtdiena, 12. Maijs 2005, 16:18

ja? Bet K.K. arī. A kur Ž.P.S.?

Ceturtdiena, 12. Maijs 2005, 16:23

lugā "Huis Clos":

GARCIN: Will night never come?
INEZ: Never.
GARCIN: You will always see me?
INEZ: Always.
GARCIN: This bronze. Yes, now's the moment; I'm looking at this thing on the mantelpiece, and I understand that I'm in hell. I tell you, everything's been thoughtout beforehand. They knew I'd stand at the fireplace stroking this thing of bronze, with all those eyes intent on me. Devouring me. What? Only two of you? I thought there were more; many more. So this is hell. I'd never have believed it. You remember all we were told about the torture-chambers, the fire and brimstone, the "burning marl." Old wives' tales!There's no need for red-hot pokers. HELL IS--OTHER PEOPLE!
ESTELLE: My darling! Please-
GARCIN: No, let me be. She is between us. I cannot love you when she's watching.
ESTELLE: Right! In that case, I'll stop her watching. (She picks up the PAPER knife and stabs Inez several times.)
INEZ: But, you crazy creature, what do you think you're doing? You know quite well I'm dead.
INEZ: Dead! Dead! Dead! Knives, poison, ropes--useless. It has happened already, do you understand? Once and for all. SO here we are, forever.
ESTELLE: Forever. My God, how funny! Forever.
GARCIN: For ever, and ever, and ever.
(A long silence.)

Ceturtdiena, 12. Maijs 2005, 16:31

Ir kāda iespēja izlasīt visu?
(Elle tātad tiešām ir citi)

Ceturtdiena, 12. Maijs 2005, 16:58

peldies :) paldies