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07:24 pm:


[User Picture]
Date:July 3rd, 2008 - 07:42 pm
ok, im done trying to explain and i have better things to do. all i can say is this. God is travelling at the speed of light and he is everywhere. this system of inertia was built into the laws of physics when the universe was created. so God built this universe going on the trust that his own son would have the balls to go through with his won crucifixion. if he didnt have the balls, this system wouldbe meaningless. believe it if you want. if you dont, i dont give a fuck. if you want your intellectual property stolen from you so companies can benefit, dont do anything. if you want to start a revolution based on the proof that God exists, do the boycott.
[User Picture]
Date:July 3rd, 2008 - 07:43 pm
ok im sick of explaining. all i can say is this. God is conscious light, he is the 5th dimension and he is everywhere. if you want to see the proof of this, do the boycott. when God built the universe he incorporated this system of inertia into the universe. if his own son didnt have the balls to go through with his own crucifixion, this sytem would be meaningless. if you want to see this, do the boycott. if you want to start a revolution based on this proof and you want these companies to stop stealing fro you, do the boycott. its all good.
[User Picture]
Date:July 3rd, 2008 - 07:46 pm
I see what you did there
[User Picture]
Date:July 3rd, 2008 - 07:53 pm
hello. picture the contact area of a tyre. its like a square that is sitting on the track. this contact area can move against the track and every time it does, it creates inertia. they developed these squares that would control how this contact area was behaving while the car was drifting. the testing i did was making this contact area move against the track in every possible way. this information completely filled the squares. ask somebody who knows about physics and inertia.
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