Rules of the game: - Choose a singer/band/group - Answer using ONLY titles of songs by that singer/band/group
Linkin Park
01. Are you male or female? - By Myself 02. Describe yourself. - Krwlng 03. What do people feel when they're around you? - The Messenger 04. How would you describe your previous relationship? - Rnw@y 05. Describe your current relationship! - Breaking the Habit 06. Where would you want to be now? - My Dsmbr 07. How do you feel about love? - High Voltage 08. What's your life like? - Somewhere I belong 09. What would you ask for if you had only one wish? - No More Sorrow 10. Say something wise! - The Little Things Give You Away 11. What do you want to do/be in the future? - The Catalyst 12. Describe your home life! - Wake 13. What would your last words be? - Leave Out All The Rest 14. Describe your style! - Faint 15. Current thoughts? - Blackout