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smīns - birthday
Bija vai ir saistība ar mani momenti / burti / spainis / golf club / hitchhikers / kults.lv / siets / 36.lv / ljp.lv / Ēku saimnieks |
birthday Being born on the 13th day of the month should help make you a better manager and organizer, but it may also give you a tendency to dominate people a bit. You may be more responsible and self-disciplined than you realize. Sincere and honest, you are a serious, hard working individual. Your feeling are likely to seem somewhat repressed at times. You are apt to be much more practical, rational, and conscious of details. Your intolerance and insistence on complete accuracy can be irritating to some. šite kārtējais testiņš, bet šoreiz man likās nu varen precīzs priekš manis, tādēļ arī atļāvos paspamot. nozagu no pzrk |
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