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[Dec. 22nd, 2020|08:39 pm]
[music |The Cure - The Figurehead]

"I can lose myself in Chinese art and American girls"
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[Jan. 18th, 2013|04:43 pm]
[music |My Dying Bride - The return of the beautiful]

Oh beautiful earth
For too long you have been silent
Touch me once again
The dark ground lies cold
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[Jan. 11th, 2013|01:45 am]
[music |Electric Wizard - Funeralopolis]

nuclear warheads ready to strike, this world is so fucked, let's end it tonight
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[Nov. 13th, 2012|12:45 pm]
[music |Altar of Plagues - Through The Collapse: Watchers Restrained]

We built our towers in sand
And now they collapse around us,
As we fall into the cracks.
Nothing shall remain as it once was.

Hold on to these falling pillars and resurrect a passion,
When silence sleeps to the beat of fists.
Bury your head in the sand, and throw you heart to the sea
For your children have no place to grow their bones.

Birds are weak as their necks grow thin,
Trees no longer stand.
And like the soil, we too are made of grain.
Like the death of young, it is finality.

Assemble the masses at the cliffs,
And we shall cast ourselves to the seas.
Rain strips the skin from our bones.
We fall into the cracks of the earth.

Silence. Desolation.
Silence. Desolation.
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karš ir skaists [Mar. 5th, 2012|10:17 pm]
[music |Godspeed You Black Emperor! - Antennas to heaven]

karš ir skaists, jo ar savām gāzmaskām, šausmīgajiem megafoniem, ugunsmetējiem un mazajiem tankiem pamato cilvēka kundzību pār pakļautajām mašīnām. karš ir skaists, jo tas ievēsta sen ilgoto cilvēka ķermeņa metalizāciju. karš ir skaists, jo ziedošu pļavu tas bagātina ar mitraljēzu ugunīgajām orhidejām. karš ir skaists, jo šauteņu troksni, kanonādes, uguns pārtraukumus, smaržas un trūdu smaku tas saista vienā simfonijā. karš ir skaists, jo tas rada jaunas arhitektūras paraugus - kā lielos tankus, ģeometriski izkārtotas aviācijas eskadriaļas, dūmu spirāles no degošiem ciemiem un daudz ko citu.

(V. Benjamins)
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[Jan. 14th, 2012|03:31 pm]
[Tags|, ]
[music |Satyricon - To the mountains]

Cast the light - deadly trail
I see it now
Sky is lit - opens up
I want my share
Lift me up - carry me
I need you now
Heal the wounds - bloody deep
I have to stop
Ignite! To the Mountains
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nerakstot zem acs [May. 8th, 2010|02:06 pm]
[music |Piano Magic - The end of a dark, tired year]

The end of a dark, tired year
I slept bad, in bad dreams, on bad beer
I tried to get on but you nagged in my ear
And London is fucked -
a busted bike with rusted gears
I walk around with a knife in the cuff
but that's not gonna be enough
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nāve jūnijā [Mar. 3rd, 2010|11:42 pm]

For you it's very easy
For you to spread the blame
For you it's very easy
It's done in another's name

Holy water burns like acid
Incense subdues the sheep
You're as clean as the Virgin Mary
From your mouth the poison seeps

I used to think it was funny
But it's very sad
That so many can be fooled
By a poor man in drag

All you seek are confessions
Like you were a god
Giving rosary beads to the Irish
Giving tambourines to the Welsh

You're crippled by guilt
Like a blamed dog
She can't control her own body
She must give it to God
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Boyd Rice [Feb. 8th, 2010|04:15 pm]

Do you ever think about
what a lovely place the world would be
without all the people
that make life so unpleasant?

All the small, petty people
All the ugly, annoying people
It's hard not to think about it

I like to think about
what could be
done to these people
Something cruel
Something mean
Something just
But the meaner the better
Goodness knows they deserve it

Have you ever dreamed of
killing all the stupid people?
Not just the unintelligent people
but the sort that don't know anything about anything
but seem to have opinions about everything
They're only too ready to offer their advice about
how to run your life
And yet look at how they run their own lives
For the most part they've accomplished nothing
They've contributed nothing
Their lives are miserable
But they talk, talk, talk
At the very least their tongues should be cut out
At the very least

Do you ever wanna
kill all the people who tell lies?
Some certainly deserve it
Not necessarily the big liars
or even those who teach lies as truth
I'm talking about people
who say one thing and do another
or who tell you they sent something express mail
when you know they haven't

Did you ever want to
kill all the slow people in the world?
The people who are in front of you
when they should be behind you
A crime that the swift should be help back by the slow
And it's criminal that nothing is going to rectify it

And what about all the really ugly people?
Add them to the list as well
Some people try not to think about life's ugliness
I've thought about it
I've thought about it quite a lot
Something should be done to these people
Something to make them suffer
the way they've made us suffer

I say, bring back the circus maximus
for starters
Unless these weeds are dealt with
they'll poison everything
They are poisoning everything
We need a gardener
A brutal gardener
A thorough, thoughtful gardener
An iron gardener

Whatever happened to Vlad the Impaler?
Where's Genghis Kahn when you need him?
Or Roi d'Ys?
Ayatollah Khomeini
Adolf Hitler
Benito Mussolini
Come back!
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