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necieņa pret dsbm [Jul. 23rd, 2018|12:34 pm]
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Date:July 23rd, 2018 - 11:33 pm
I have been banned from several things (liking something, sending a link) for 24 hours because I shared a Lifelover album. I share a music album because of the audio material that is in it, I guess I've been banned because there is a picture of a naked women (with no details) on the album. It's a shame that in 2018 you can get banned for sharing an art piece while no one would get banned for sharing a new age rap video with hustlers, booty shakers and girls covering their nipples with duck tape. As far as a ban for being unable to 'like' something, that is OK, but I guess you do have some need for people using FB as selling their information, getting money from adds, all that stuff. Now I needed to message someone from my phone because nowadays everyone connects to you on FB and sometimes doesn't even give the phone number. I couldn't do it, because, even though I could continue messaging people from my computer, it turned out I can't do it from my phone. Ended up just losing some money for me, but I can imagine much worse situations coming out of inability for people to communicate with the means they have gotten accustomed to. This half-banning thing represents high double morality and very selective censorship. Please get better! :**