krēpjlācis - August 11th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 11th, 2016

kaķu spēks [Aug. 11th, 2016|09:35 am]
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[music |Cat Power - Fool ]

"Come along Fool,
A direct hit to the sense you're disconnected
It's not that it's bad, it's not that it's death
It's just that it's on the tip of your tongue and you're so silent

Wanting to live and laugh all the time
Sitting alone with you tea and your crime
Children with kids and people with parents
Any which way there's no past and no present"
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:@@@ [Aug. 11th, 2016|09:51 am]
[music |Būvdarbu troksnis aiz loga, skaļi vārās ūdens zaļajai tējai]

Kurš pastrādāja nelietību pret rudo runci Verneru? KURŠ TAS BIJA?
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