09 December 2009 @ 02:24 am
-what do you think we are lacking?

-the knowledge of what there is to adore

-inventing that could only be worse for us

-there is nothing to invent: we live from 'That' and for That.

-again you are talking about being religious"

-no, I am referring to man's knowledge. The error of science is to make us believe that our rational intelligence is our supreme superiority. It's not the first time that such a crisis has occurred, and each time it has given rise to horrible destruction.
Human destiny goes far beyond this pitiful existence. I am talking not about haphazard paradises, but about a state of consciousness that allows each 'present moment' to collect the knowledge of why man is here on Earth, and to participate in the 'superior life' of the universe. Great beings (who were here long before we were) proved that this is possible through their own realization.

-and what was the result?"

-a wisdom enabled them to guide their own contemporaries in a life that was 'in harmony with their possibilities.' Even more, a Knowledge that we can draw upon today for certain 'vital' sciences which are beyond our reach.


-with the confidence in man's possibility to surpass himself, and with the intensive cultivation of his consciousness.

-that sounds as if it must lead to a highly inflated ego.

-not at all! An inflated ego is not something that needs to be taught.
09 December 2009 @ 02:37 am
šodien sāku pa maz-maz-lietiņām zīmēt pēdējā mēneša murgus. gribēšana un iedvesma bija, bet konkrēta tēla nekāda, jo gribējās tādas butaforiskas, mākslīgi smieklīgas savā nerealitātē un attālinātībā no jebkurām ikdienišķām, un vispār mūsu dzīves laikā reālām ciešanām -jo vienmēr taču pamostos no viņiem, pasmaidu un tomēr aizeju gulēt pie ieslēgtas gaismas.. nu kaut ko tikpat smieklīgu, kā vecos mazbudžeta death metal rullīšus no netalantīgā gala. skatoties cauri klipus man atsūtija šito- wauwawiwāaaaa iespaidu atstāja. skatoties otrreiz arī varbūt mazliet sasmējos par ainu ar enģelīša aka vistas spalvu ēšanu, bet kvalitatīvi labs un noskaņa ir.

vēl arī lielajam alises zīmējumam jāsalīmē kristāliņi, lai sarkanais fōns un viņas zilā kleitiņas krāsa spīdētu cauri un taisītu diskobumbas efektu uz siena. kad tos abus pabeigšu, varētu izskatīties diezgan komiski nolikti blakām, jo alise ar saviem fliterīškristāliem, cakām un violetajiem burbuļiem ļoti disonēs ar to, nu to, ko šodien sāku.
bet tāpat ir daudz kas kopīgs- melniem, zīmuļainiem, elkonīšiem apsēdos tā patālāk no saskricelētās lapas, lai apskatītos no malas, ko sadarīju un nodomāju, ka tāds tikums, kā minimālisms mani vēl nav piemeklējis.

09 December 2009 @ 09:11 pm
universitāte traucē izglītoties