On top of having no more money, no flat and no personal belongings whatsoever, my car broke down in the middle of a street... and then I noticed my only pair of boots has a rip on the right side. God, can I have a vacation? I need to be in Paris on April 13-15 and I haven't got my ticket yet. I'm rather sure I won't get them sold to me for my remaining 20 Lats. Šitā pasaules glābšana dārgi izmaksā, vai zinies! Un tad vēl tauta brīnās, ka man, sludinot pie luterāņiem Talsos, pasprūk pa lamu vārdam...a ko lai citu saka, kad jāstāsta par bijušo dzīvi bez Dieva? :)
wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiPAAAAAAAVASAAAAAAAARS!!! Pirmdien dzirdēju putniņus kokā čivinām. (sun) (clap) wiiiiiiii