Esmu kalna galā. Perfekts kāpiens, perfekti pārvarētas grūtības, pasaule - tā apgriezta kājām gaisā. Pēkšņs vieglums, maigs vējiņš - viss ir beidzies. Atpūta pēc ilgas, ilgas - divu gadu garas - cīņas. Cīņa - kaut arī patīkama un ar apzinātu mērķi - tomēr nogurdina.
I have said that before, I have known it since I was born. Sometimes things that happen to me are too miraculous to believe..even for me. I come down here to change the place, to turn it around, to tear the devil into pieces! I will grab it by the balls and tie it down. Easily. With love and grace. I will give it the chance to turn back.
and yes, it hurts, if fuckin hurts me knowing that many of you won't go till the end, knowing that I am going to loose many of you on the way, not being able to help it. The choice is yours. There is only one road, only one door - take it or leave it. The End is there, it will come, it won't go away.
don't fake your love to me. I read you. I see through you. your every single thought is known to me. the prize is equal to your input.