If you are not happy, you just haven't managed to ask or receive yet. It's God's promise to take a complete care of you...it's your decision to accept the love or die without it.
I know you are proud. I know that long ago someone told you that you have to work to survive and that without achievements you are not worthy, but I am letting you know today that IT-IS-ALL-A-LIE! There is a life out there that is even more worth of living than any possible earthly achievement! The life is there within a reach of your hand, and you are the only one, who can decide take it. Leave your pride as it is not bringing any long lasting goods for you! Leave your defence walls as they are no longer needed and let yourself to be taken care of!
Go and start doing good only, start doing the right thing only as doing good is the only way to make out something good! The only way to make someone joyful is to give joy! The only thing that creates love IS LOVE! I want you to know, that you ARE LOVED NO MATTER WHAT. Even if you do mistakes, even if you do them on purpose, even if you don't love back, you are loved unconditionally from the first day of your life until the end of this world.