Sestdiena, 25. Okt 2008, 01:05

"I love you and I miss you - this is one side of me. The side that really needs some one to relay on. But there is the other side. The one that doesn't care about anything besides the beautiful clouds in the sky."

Es pateicu Dievam, ka esmu gatava atdot Viņam savu dzīvi. Viņš mani ir uzklausījis.

Svētdiena, 26. Okt 2008, 13:05

I'm not a slave, I'm God's beloved creature, that has realised the amazing joy of dropping the Earth shit and becoming a messenger.
I'm not a slave to a world, I am a lover of the world. And it is not true that the world doesn't give a shit. The world need it, the world want's it, the world is ready for it!

Svētdiena, 26. Okt 2008, 13:12

u are pretty god in english :)

Svētdiena, 26. Okt 2008, 13:14

Tulkoju:"Tu esi skaists dievs angļu valodā"

:D :P (dance)