Pirmdiena, 31. Mar 2008, 23:45

J.B.:"Labi, ka neviens nezina patieso iemeslu, kādēļ mani sauc par cūku...bet jums kā ģimenei es varu atklāt - man ir 12 krūtis."

Otrdiena, 1. Apr 2008, 19:59

šovakar nevaru beigt spamot.

vēl viens piedāvājums - create your own pig!

http://drawapig.desktopcreatures.com/drawApig.asp :P

Otrdiena, 1. Apr 2008, 20:37

Re, kas man sanāca!
Toward the middle, you are a realist.

Facing front, you are direct, enjoy playing devil's advocate and neither fear nor avoid discussions.

With many details, you are analytical, cautious, and distrustful.

With 4 legs showing, they are secure, stubborn, and stick to their ideals.

The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are.
The bigger the better. You drew large ears, you are a great listener!

The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life.
And again more is better! You drew medium sized tail

Otrdiena, 1. Apr 2008, 22:27

Tava CŪKA šķielē, lol :D