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Nov. 1., 2008 | 07:25 pm

Ir dziesmas, kuras nemainīgi aizkustina mani katru reizi, kad tās dzirdu.
Un tās nedrīkst pārāk bieži,tās nedrīkst nolietot..
Nu, piemēram

-Paul Simon - Born In Puerto Rico [No one knows you like I do]

-Led Zeppelin - Thank You [Inspiration is what you are to me. Inspiration. Look... see]

-Tracy Chapman - Change [How many losses how much regret?]

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Comments {1}


(bez virsraksta)

from: [info]erlends
date: Nov. 10., 2008 - 03:51 pm

The kings of convenience - homesick (to long for homesick, cause I no longer know, what home is...)
