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On 13 Sep 2011, 12:37 SvartaRosen wrote:
"pure Latvian folk music with some additional world-ethnic instruments" it sounds perfect! Does my library look like popular stuff :p ? Of course I would love o hear that!
If you could upload it somewhere that would be cool!
Thanks a lot!
Re: Bišu Gani
Bišu Gani (Bee Shepherds) is nice, but it's almost pure Latvian folk music with some additional world-ethnic instruments and a bit of a newagey touch in the lyrics. So are you sure you want this? It's kind of rare and not really popular, I found it on Soulseek. If you want, I can archive and upload it somewhere, just lmk.
Thanks for the recommendation
On 13 Sep 2011, 00:30 SvartaRosen wrote:
Hey man!
I saw in your library something that looks interesting for me, Bišu Gani where I can get this?
PS if you like sad cello http://www.lastfm.pl/music/Andrea+B
[15:18:10] Come closer: ok, es aizeju uz nākamaais spams
[15:18:23] La Chupakabra: ok
[15:18:25] Come closer: vspirms last.fm, tad sc
La Chupakabra
[15:18:40] Come closer: nē nu last.fm privāti
[15:18:46] Come closer: bet ja jau tu ielādē kādam speciāli albumu
[15:18:56] Come closer: tad kāpēc neiedot linku arī citiem
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