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24. Janvāris 2011


Posted on 2011.01.24 at 02:00
Doom: Sen nav bijusi
Mūza: Seven Pines
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Fauns and Sleeping Nymph by Arnold Böcklin (1884)

(Esmu sajūsmā par viņu sejas izteiksmēm.)



. a frenzy supposed by ancient peoples to have been induced by nymphs

. a demonic enthusiasm held by the ancients to seize one bewitched by a nymph

. an ecstatic variety of demonic possession believed by the ancients to be inspired by nymphs

. in ancient times, a state of frenzy that was believed to seize any man who looked at a nymph

. a frenzied state of (usually erotic) emotion, especially concerning something or someone unattainable

. a state of violent emotion, esp when associated with a desire for something one cannot have

. a violent emotional state arising as from frustrated idealism

. a wild frenzy caused by desire for an unattainable ideal

. an emotional frenzy

. a frenzy of emotion


Seven Pines - Ombres II
 no dubultplates Nympholept (tāpēc arī tas viss, ja)

Seven Pines ir lieliskā Gaë Bolg/Ērika Rodžera sānuprojekts. Nepelnīti mazpazīstams

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