blēņu - Stay

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Februāris 25., 2006

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22:35 - Stay
Sam Foster: What's this?
Henry Letham: I burned myself.
Sam Foster: You burned yourself? Why?
Henry Letham: Practicing for hell.
Sam Foster: Why do you think you're going to hell?
Henry Letham: Because of what I did. Because of what I'm gonna do.
Sam Foster: What are you going to do?
Sam Foster: You're going to try to kill yourself? And how serious should I take this thread?
Henry Letham: Saturday at midnight. It's what I'm going to do.
Sam Foster: Okay, you've gotta know that everything just changed, if you talk to me about suicide I'm required to take certain actions.
Henry Letham: Wait, just deal with him, and, we'll talk about it next time.
Sam Foster: There's a next time?
Henry Letham: Yeah. Yeah, we got three days.

Lila Culpepper: Henry, forgetting something?
[Sam turns around towards Lila looking confused]
Lila Culpepper: What's the matter?
Sam Foster: You just called me Henry.
Lila Culpepper: Baby, I think I know your name by now
Sam Foster: Yeah, but you called me Henry.
Lila Culpepper: Sam, I know who you are. I promise.


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Date:26. Februāris 2006 - 11:13
taa bildee esi tu?!?!?!?!
dikti raganiiga...

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