blēņu - usually you just sit there and look pretty

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Oktobris 18., 2004

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16:07 - usually you just sit there and look pretty
You are .gif Sometimes you are animated, but usually you just sit there and look pretty.
Which File Extension are You?

(7 raksta | ir doma)


[User Picture]
Date:18. Oktobris 2004 - 16:14

You are .swf You are flashy, but lack substance. You like playing, but often you are annoying. Grow up.
[User Picture]
Date:18. Oktobris 2004 - 16:21

hmm :)

tu gan vairāk tāda kā pokemons izskaties, kamēr es - neticami trāpīgi -"rāzā dura"- sēž un smuki izskatās stūrītī :)
[User Picture]
Date:18. Oktobris 2004 - 16:23

Re: hmm :)

tas laikam taapee, ka pie maniem neizdarītajiem darbiem vainīg zaļie cilvēciņi:)
[User Picture]
Date:18. Oktobris 2004 - 16:25


manis neizdarīc darbs - darīt nevajadzīgs darbs :)
turklāt, kādi man vēl tur darāmie darbi, ja es smuka un klusa kaut kur sēžu :))
[User Picture]
Date:18. Oktobris 2004 - 16:36

bet jebkurā gadījumā labāk kā man

You are .doc You change from year to year, just to make things tough on your competition. Only your creator really has a handle on you.
[User Picture]
Date:18. Oktobris 2004 - 16:40

ņu ņu :)

būs labi :)

doc jau ir arī doctor, docent, docile, dock, doctrinaire, utt. :))
[User Picture]
Date:18. Oktobris 2004 - 16:51

nice package :)

You are .rpm You have a nice package. You can be useful, but your many variations sometimes make you tough to find. You aren't apt to get jealous."><

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