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31.. Mar, 2010 | 16:39
No:: almighty_j
ā, un pat ja sķietami nav risinājuma, turēt mēli aiz zobiem tāpat nav nekādas vajadzības, citādi pārējie, iespējams, tā arī nepievērsīs problēmai pienācīgu uzmanību.
izsakoties klasiķu vārdiem "...I don't know what to do about the depression and inflation and russians and the crimes on the streets, all i know is that first you've got to get MAD!" >:}
izsakoties klasiķu vārdiem "...I don't know what to do about the depression and inflation and russians and the crimes on the streets, all i know is that first you've got to get MAD!" >:}