Mr. Icke??

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25.. Nov, 2007 | 15:44

- "How is it that they [illuminati, nephilim etc.] didn't eliminate you before you got this far? If you are, let's say, even only 30% right, it's still dangerous information that you are letting out."
- "First of all - we need to be a little bit more positive about our own power. [..] If I had started talking about these things back in the 1990-s, everybody would just think that I am crazy. But now when the perception has changed, all my information has already been out there for a long time. I'm well known for what I do, and to do anything to me now physically or obviously would just give me a tremendous credibility so it's not in they interests to do that. And they won't do that anyway. I can't tell you how I know it and that is not important but they cannot stop me doing what I'm doing." (David Icke on 'Coast To Coast' 20.11.2007.)

WTF, mister Aik? Jo es to varu iztulkot vismaz divējādi.

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Comments {4}

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from: [info]lapsene_lb
date: 26.. Nov, 2007 - 01:35

Starp citu- par šito visu fišku "kāpēc viņš vēljprojām nav apklusināts (tādā vai citādā veidā)" man jau sen radās jautājumi, domas, spriedelējumi etc. Vienā no sfērām (arī Tavām augstāk minētajām) kkas nav tīrs.

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from: [info]morphine
date: 27.. Nov, 2007 - 00:29

Jā, lai kā to arī negribētos atzīt, bet jāpieļauj arī tāda iespēja. Bet žēl jau būtu, sakarīgs vecis.
Gunārs saka, ka Aiks, iespējams, apzināti izplata dezinformāciju tieši tajā reptiļu tēmā. HVZ.

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