we are a species with amnesia

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28.. Okt, 2007 | 12:28
skaņas: Placebo - Song To Say Goodbye

As a species, we need to acknowledge the depth of our historical dilemma. We will continue to play with half a deck as long as we continue to tolerate cardinals of government and science who presume to dictate where human curiosity can legitimately focus its attention and where it cannot. - Terence McKenna

All matter is merely energy condensed to a small vibration. We are all one consiousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is just a dream and we are the imaginations of ourselves. - Bill Hicks

If you are not against the system, you are the system.

"But Morpheus everyone doesn't believe as you." ..... "MY BELIEF DOESN'T REQUIRE THEM TO." - The Matrix

Bet tas, ko es gribēju piedāvāt ir šis un tas par arheoloģiju. Man likās interesanti.

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Comments {1}


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from: [info]almighty_j
date: 28.. Okt, 2007 - 14:25


I.e. - mass is simply energy compressed by c^2. To jau Einšteins konstatēja. Tikai cilvēki neprot to sasaistīt ar sevi un visu visapkārt sev.
